On-The-Test Publishing
We know which questions to ask (tm)
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About Us

We are . . .

On-the-Test Publishing is the publishing arm of Morgan Testing Services, a privately held firm with the strength of a national network of Subject Matter Experts in real estate law, practice, education, testing, and license law regulation.

Through the On-the-Test series of real estate books, we now offer concise, clear, and time-effective tools for “getting” basic subject matter through a uniquely succinct yet comprehensive and well-ordered presentation.

We began . . .

Clients in numerous states encouraged us to prepare a series of “authoritative” books that focus the topics covered in real estate principles and practice texts into a prelicensing course review that identifies what’s testable and what’s not.

Now this shared objective of serving the real estate profession by better-preparing aspiring licensees is being fulfilled through this series of texts that provide incisive treatments of complex subjects.

We continue . . .

On-the-Test Publishing has been constantly expanding and improving its offerings. Through a “print-on-demand” arrangement with our printing company, we retain the flexibility of incorporating feedback from instructors and students in subsequent orders.

In addition to our offerings on General exams, we have prepared a State-specific license law supplement and "Combo" of General and State portions for Connecticut, the first in a projected series of similar publications for other states.

We also . . .

We are more than a publishing concern. For several years, we were the primary sponsor for Web information on the Round the World Voyage (November 1998 – May 2003) and Now-complete Solo Circumnavigation (February 1999 – March 2003) of the founder’s brother, Brec Morgan.

For more information on this voyage as well as a book that compiles Reports and Notes of the Journey, please go to www.OtterNews.com. The website includes links to Trip Reports chronicling the journey of Brec aboard the Otter, a 27 foot Pacific Seacraft Orion, from New England to New Zealand, and article drafts of "the rest of the story."

Further, On-the-Test Publishing is a sponsor of the annual John Morgan Run, a “five-mile classic road race and fun run” held every July in Jaffrey, New Hampshire, best known as the home of Mount Monadnock.

The John Morgan of the race is, unfortunately, a largely unknown figure and no relation to our own John Morgan, a seventeen-time marathoner, who takes the moniker baton in hand and runs every summer as the increasingly well-known "homonymous, not eponymous," race namesake.

Fortunately for the slowest runners, our John Morgan sees it as the “John Morgan thing to do” to make sure that “everybody gets to beat somebody in the John Morgan Run,” and has therefore come in dead last for eight races now, though in 2008 he tied for last with his three-year-old son John, who then beat him in 2009.

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