On-The-Test Publishing
We know which questions to ask (tm)
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Our Mission & Passion

To eliminate inappropriate and undue confusion about just what is going to be “on the test.”

On-The-Test Publishing has a mission rooted in the passion of Thoreau’s exhortation, “Simplify, simplify.” This maxim serves as the guiding principle for taking the many unfamiliar and strange elements of a complex profession and making them accessible, comprehensible, and memorable, especially for those who may be completely new to real estate.

There is so much to know.

The basics of real estate have been catalogued repeatedly and exhaustively in lengthy, detailed lists commonly known as the Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs) that define the “content domain” of real estate as practiced by licensed professionals.

Such lists are often created, organized, and/or used by State regulators, real estate educators, real estate authors & publishers, and testing companies for the following interrelated purposes:

  • State Education and Licensing Agencies: Pre-licensing and continuing education course content requirements and course curriculum guides
  • Real Estate Educators: Course materials, handouts, and presentations
  • Real Estate Authors & Publishers: 400+ page textbooks and 200+ page study guides
  • License Exam Providers: Test Specifications, Content Outlines, and Exams

Bringing it all together, simply!

On-The-Test publications enhance and further all of the above efforts by adhering to the “simplify, simplify” principle: these texts present concise, comprehensive summaries of real estate subject matter organized by placing specific topics in their most reasonable “content home” within each national testing company's examination content outline.

The most direct way to “get it” for the test, and for good.

This direct, streamlined presentation helps you “get” the material. And retain it. Not only for the day of the test, but for the day you need it on the job. That will be the real passing grade!

Let’s not forget the ultimate beneficiary: the public!

“Getting it for good” serves to support the widespread charge of State licensing agencies to protect the public through ensuring real estate licensees are well-versed in the basics of the profession.

The streamlined, focused presentation of these publications reinforces key principles, concepts, and terms that are integral to the professional “knowledge-base” that every member of the public who buys or sells real estate has a right to expect of every real estate licensee, brand-new or seasoned.

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