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Real Estate Exam Prep:
Connecticut 'Combo'
(General & State Exam Prep "combined" under one cover!)
  3rd Edition-Sales &
1st Edition-Broker

YES!! There is a Broker 'Combo,' too!
See the Order page!

These books are tailor-made for Connecticut License Exam use!

  • The Sales "Combo" is a combination of the PSI 3rd edition (general exam prep) and the Connecticut Regs 3rd edition (state-only license law exam prep) -- this book has it all!!!

  • The Broker "Combo" is a combination of the PSI 3rd edition (general exam prep) and the Connecticut Regs-Broker 1st edition (state-only license law exam prep, which includes the Extra Broker-Only Topics) -- this book has it all!!!

It prepares you for the 80-question general exam and the 30-question State exam (40 questions for Brokers) and has a Sample Exam for each!


Retail price: just $45.00 for the Sales version and
                          $52.50 for the Broker version
                  (See order form for details.)


Automatic 20% off on individual sales = $36.00;

       $27.00 per book on quantities of four or more!


Connecticut Prelicensing Candidates—take note!

There are three simple reasons why these Connnecticut books ('Conn Regs' and 'Conn Combo') are the only truly authoritative guides available for preparing to take the Connecticut License Exams:

1--The General (principles & practices) section of the licensing exam also draws on the author's experience as the primary staff member who took the results of Assessment Systems, Inc. (ASI)'s fully national real estate job analysis and drafted the outline—and prepared the question banks—still used with minor modifications by ASI's successor companies for their examinations.

The examination prepared for Connecticut by PSI is based on a job analysis that substantially confirms the "general" nature of real estate subject matter identified in the ASI job analysis; the author knows in detail which topics, terms, and concepts are acceptable for use on a "national" test.

2--The Regs-only portion is an exam-outline presentation of Connecticut license law that draws on the author's years of preparing state licensing exams for over 20 states as well as for the Government of Bermuda to link each outline topic to applicable Statutes, Regulations, and/or Policies.

3--The 80-question Sample General Exam and the 30-question Sample State Regs Exam--40 for Brokers--are the closest ones publicly available to the "real thing" in style, content, and adherence to professional standards and specifications.

And for instructors—consider this!

These are the single best end-of-course reviews in print. The Combo concentrates standard textbook and curriculum material into concise, comprehensive, exam-outline-sequenced clusters of key terms, concepts, and principles and then does the same for Connecticut License Law; the Regs-only book treats just the License Law.

With these books you get:

  • The most direct, focused, and exam-specific review available—about 120 pages gets you farther, faster, and with greater lasting comprehension of key elements than any other book for the General exam; and about 60 pages for the State Regs!

  • The benefit of a uniquely experienced test developer for commentary on what will—and will not—be on the test, and why.

  • Each full-length exam is prepared to parallel PSI's published test specifications for the number of questions per Content Outline Section.

  • Each answer key is paired with a diagnostic chart to determine areas of strengths and weaknesses.

Publisher’s Note

Nothing in these Exam Prep publications for Connecticut should be construed as indicating PSI or any Connecticut agency's direct endorsement of, involvement in, responsibility for, or current agreement with any of the author's interpretations, elaborations, or commentary on either the PSI general content outline's list of commonplace real estate topics or the Connecticut License Law outline's list of topics for testing.

All interpretations and elaborations of real estate subject matter are based on close research of standard texts, legal reference works, the ASI Job Analysis Technical Report (1998), ASI and its successor's published practice exams, and government websites, along with textual revisions suggested by a nationwide group of reviewers in the fields of real estate regulation, law, practice, and instruction.

Real Estate Exam Prep: Connecticut "Combo"-3rd edition



Real Estate Exam Prep: Connecticut "Combo"-1st edition



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