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School Owners

“The Best Danged School of Real Estate” = Yours!

On-The-Test Publishing respects your desire to be recognized for providing your students with the best professional preparation for a real estate career—and the best exam prep book available! And we are prepared to reward your efforts by putting your mark on your classroom texts!

Our printing flexibility makes it both easy and economical—even additionally profitable—to create a School-Specific Text (SST) of whichever offering in the On-The-Test: Real Estate series applies in your state.

The SST approach lets you either adapt or replace:

  • The front cover
  • The back cover
  • Inside covers, front and back
  • Front matter, such as a dedication page, foreword, introduction, etc.

These options allow you to:

  • “Brand” yourself and/or your school through providing your students with the best book available without having to write a book!
  • Advertise your other offerings on the back or inside covers!
  • Promote future offerings so students will return for continuing education!
  • Assert and reinforce your presence by having your name and contact information, not just those of a national publisher, wherever you think this information will do you the most good!

In order to enhance your school's success, you want students to:

  • pass the licensing exam on the first try
  • remember you favorably because they were so well-prepared
  • refer others who want a good prelicensing course to you
  • come back for continuing education

With an SST, you significantly increase the probability of achieving all of these goals! And you will be rewarded with a uniquely exciting new way to increase the potential for enhancing your own bottom-line!

Your basic responsibilities include any or all of the following:

  • providing the cover art, which must include the On-the-Test author's name
  • providing any Front-Matter pages you care to include
  • consulting with On-The-Test Publishing regarding all adaptations
  • providing a nominal set-up fee for text adaptations and order processing

On-The-Test will be responsible for:

  • making text changes upon reaching mutual understanding and agreement
  • arranging for on-line order processing of your SST
  • forwarding an accounting summary and any on-line order funds due you for direct sales to students

Information Request

Please contact us at SST@on-the-test.com (and cc OnTheTest@aol.com) to initiate the process of developing a School-Specific Text that best suits your needs!

In your e-mail, please be sure to include the following basic information:

  • Your name and title
  • Your school's name, address, phone number(s), and e-mail address
  • Your approximate annual prelicensing candidate volume
  • Pertinent schedule and class-size information
  • Information on whether the books will be included in your tuition-paid materials or will be a separate student purchase. In the latter case, note whether it will be required or optional.

We look forward to establishing an SST arrangement that helps you profit by making your student scores soar!

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